Get your damaged goods fixed, bike or walk for safer streets, take the kids on a nature walk, learn about backyard chickens, shop at the local food co-op
Repair Café. On Saturday afternoon, watch, learn or lend a hand as local repair folks fix the damaged appliances, electronics, knifes, clothes, jewelry and other items you bring with you. Enjoy a free table with pet supplies and hand-me-downs. Transition Pasadena, the Pasadena Humane Society and the Downtown Pasadena Neighborhood Association co-host the event at the new home of the Pasadena Humane Society.
Memorial walk and bike ride. On Sunday, walk or bike with others to show your support for making Pasadena streets safer. The bike ride and walk commemorates the death of Phillip O’Neill who was killed on June 15, 2013, when a motorist struck him as he was bicycling near Caltech. The Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition is organizing the event.
Family Nature Walk. On Saturday morning, the Eaton Canyon Nature Center hosts a family nature walk. Bring small children, walking shoes, sunscreen, water and a hat.
Chickens. Interested in raising chickens in your backyard? on Sunday morning, the 7th Principle Council is hosting a presentation by Cynthia Frederick of CLUCKinPasadena to help you learn how to do it.
The Arroyo Food Co-op has begun its pre-order program. If you order online by Sunday midnight you can pick up your items at the store the following Tuesday or Saturday.
Chickens. Interested in raising chickens in your backyard? on Sunday morning, the 7th Principle Council is hosting a presentation by Cynthia Frederick of CLUCKinPasadena to help you learn how to do it.
The Arroyo Food Co-op has begun its pre-order program. If you order online by Sunday midnight you can pick up your items at the store the following Tuesday or Saturday.
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Unless otherwise noted, all events take place in Pasadena. For specific times, locations and other details please see the calendar page of Pasastainable, CA or the event owner's webpage.