Walk through a garden, work in a garden.
Free Food Garden. The garden in front of the Arroyo Food Co-op store with its flowering, drought-tolerant plants and a winding path of broken concrete is looking better every week. But there is still work to do. Join Transition Pasadena workers on Sunday to help with gardening tasks or to bond with neighbors.
More gardens and gardening. On Friday morning, the Los Angeles County Arboretum is hosting a docent-led adult walking tour. It includes a substantial amount of walking. Reservations are not necessary. For Saturday morning, the Eaton Canyon Conservation Group has scheduled a work day. Community volunteer projects range from native planting and trail repair to weed abatement. Advance sign up is required! Transition Pasadena's Throop Learning Garden meets on Sunday.
The Arroyo Food Co-op's pre-order program is up and running. If you order online by Sunday midnight you can pick up your items at the store on the following Tuesday or Saturday.
Family Nature Walk. On Saturday morning, the Eaton Canyon Nature Center hosts a family nature walk. Bring small children, walking shoes, sunscreen, water and a hat.
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