Pasadena weekend: What to do August 22-24

Share and swap your backyard bounty, stitch 'n' bitch with others, learn about sustainable fruit and vegetable gardens.

"Stitch 'n' Bitch" at the Arroyo Food Co-op. On Saturday morning, bring your knitting, crochet work, sewing and other craft projects to the Co-op and work with your fellow members around the community table. Also, the Food Co-op's pre-order program is up and running. If you order online by Sunday midnight you can pick up your items at the store on the following Tuesday or Saturday.

Share Faire in the Park, hosted by RIPE Altadena. On Sunday afternoon, bring your backyard bounty to Farnsworth Park. Share your fruits, vegetables, seeds, backyard eggs and homemade preserves with others and take home something new.

Gardening 1. Self-tour The Huntington's Ranch, an urban agriculture site, on Saturday morning to pick up some inspiration for growing your own fruits and vegetables sustainably.

Gardening 2Transition Pasadena's Throop Learning Garden meets on Sunday.

Walking. On Saturday morning, the Eaton Canyon Nature Center is hosting a family nature walk. Bring your small children, walking shoes, sunscreen, water and a hat.

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Unless otherwise noted, all events take place in Pasadena. For times, addresses and other details please see the calendar page of Pasastainable, CA or the event owner's webpage.