The City of Pasadena is continuing to weigh a local styrofoam ban. The Environmental Advisory Commission will pick up the discussion again at its next meeting, on August 19, and a subcommittee for the issue already exists. Other items on the agenda for the meeting on Tuesday include updates on water conservation and on the Climate Action Plan.
At the last meeting of the EAC, on July 15, nine residents, activists and business owners voiced their support for a ban on polystyrene food and drink containers. The Commission discussed how such a measure would fit in with the City's Zero Waste Pasadena 2040 Plan that is being prepared. Public Works staff has indicated that they will begin work on a styrofoam ban after the Zero Waste Plan has been adopted.
Meanwhile, a petition is underway that supports a local styrofoam ban. As of the publication of this post it had reached 129 supporters.
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What: City of Pasadena Environmental Advisory Commission meeting
When: Tuesday, August 19, 6 p.m.
Where: Permit Center, Hearing Room, 175 North Garfield Ave