Educate yourself, get a free repair, garden with others.
Transition Pasadena's Repair Café is back on Sunday afternoon. Expect tinkers for electronics and appliances; tailors, hair trimmers and knife sharpeners; a wordsmith for your writing needs, a potluck and more. See the Café's Facebook page for additional details.
Gardening. On Saturday morning, join others at the South Pasadena Nature Park along the Arroyo Seco to remove weeds and litter, and to enjoy the park. Also on Saturday morning, the LA County Department of Public Works is hosting a "smart gardening" workshop at the Eaton Canyon Nature Center. Learn how to improve your garden and reduce waste, and pick up a worm compost bin at a discount after the session. Work on Transition Pasadena's Throop Learning Garden continues on Sunday.
Walking. On Saturday morning, the Eaton Canyon Nature Center hosts a family nature walk. Bring your small children, walking shoes, sunscreen, water and a hat.
Co-op-ing. The Arroyo Food Co-op's pre-order program is up and running. If you order online by Sunday midnight you can pick up your items at the store on the following Tuesday or Saturday.
Co-op-ing. The Arroyo Food Co-op's pre-order program is up and running. If you order online by Sunday midnight you can pick up your items at the store on the following Tuesday or Saturday.
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